It Begins… CALIFORNIA Arrest Migrants🔥1000’S of Migrant Arrive Through Boats! NEW Migrant CRISIS!

It Begins… CALIFORNIA Arrest Migrants🔥1000'S of Migrant Arrive Through Boats! NEW Migrant CRISIS!
Hi, this is Wayne again with a topic “It Begins… CALIFORNIA Arrest Migrants🔥1000’S of Migrant Arrive Through Boats! NEW Migrant CRISIS!”, A boat carrying migrants washing ashore along the north county Coast this weekend, and it’s not the first smuggling attempt that we’ve seen this year here in San Diego County, that boat believed to have up to 20 migrants on board. It nearly hits a surfer in the water. You can see it there when it gets to shore, you see the migrants jump out and then start running to cars to take them away. This type of smuggling usually is rare, but now officials in San Diego are saying that these scenes are becoming more frequently becoming a Safety and Security concern for residents in the area. Now take a look at this video. This is from Saturday in Carl’s B, just North of San, Diego dozens of illegal immigrants on a speedboat heading straight onto the beach. Almost hitting a surfer in the water bystanders looked on shocked as illegal immigrants jumped at the boat escaping in cars waiting for them, while the majority of illegal immigrants do turn themselves into board Patrol agents, these groups of illegal immigrants are seeking to avoid federal agents all Together, which local officials say is a major red flag Smugglers don’t operate with any regard to Public Safety, the boat.

I watched the videos that this boat come in on Saturday in the middle of a Saturday with boat kids in the water people sunbathers and the boat pulled up high speed with zero regard to safety. We don’t know if these men were simply migrants or whether they were just looking for a better life or if they were on terrorist watch list. Earlier this year, this video was from a resident in La Hoya. California, who took this video in dis, believe as a boat carrying a group of illegal immigrants landed on the beach.

This group also escaped in cars waiting for them. In response to these events, Sano officials are urging state and federal officials to bring in more border patrol agents and to increase Coast Guard patrols to prevent this type of smuggling. And it’s important to remember these group of illegal immigrants by entering through the waters and landing on California. Beaches are going completely undetected and evading federal agents.

Federal agents say that these type of illegal immigrant groups actually won’t even be registered as goway, so literally going completely undetected. We’Ve learned that migrant Crossings are shifting toward California, which has seen a sharp increase in recent months. These migrants are taking their first perilous steps on us soil as they navigate a steep and Rocky maze along California’s Southern border. For the last few minutes, we’ve seen at least 50 or so people come down this pretty rugged punishing terrain. Here they arrive by the dozens at this border Gap, roughly 70 Mi east of San Diego. This entire region saw nearly 25,000 illegal Crossings in January alone from countries around the world.

So this woman uh is from Brazil. She just came down uh the ridge here, and she was explaining to me that she was in Tijuana and got injured. She was essentially caught in the crossfire between um waren gangs and the police. Despite the dangers, many are now choosing routes through California, rather than cross.

At the Texas border, it’s better than the other border, better meaning easier, not easier. There nothing easy about this. We met up with Abdul Talib Ali and other migrants who were busted to San Diego and released after being processed by border patrol TB, Ali’s from morania in Africa he’s seeking Asylum after leaving behind a wife, infant son and a nursing career. So right now a lot of Americans would say you shouldn’t be here, and they are right. This is their country, but I’m just just a guy who looking for Safety and Security, we followed tbal, as he made his way to the San Diego airport and within hours. New York City he’s staying at the shelter for now I used to sleep in my home next to my wife and my son, and now I’m sleeping next to a thousand mens that I don’t even know like a homeless person, nor this is the group of migrants.

That’S come down from the mountains. Neither the wall nor this rugged punishing terrain is enough to stop the determination of these Asylum Seekers. This is what policy makers and Border officials are up against the last week alone, there have been nearly 7,000 encounters at the San Diego sect of the Border. I mean this is the highest in the country and data all backed by CBP, and now we got video showcasing a maritime incident right here in carlbad and, like you said, this is just one out of several incidents.

We’Ve seen up and down the San Diego coast within the last year. This viral video now surfacing Nationwide shows a boat carrying over a dozen undocumented migrants racing ashore at a high speed just along the carlbad coast, They’re Not Afraid blatantly coming in and noon on. A Saturday to a crowded Beach, it’s what brought several local leaders along with Carl bad mayor, Keith, Blackburn to the setting of the site Monday. They say they need to see better enforcement and higher penalties at the state and federal level for Real Change, starting to get so blatant, they’re not concerned about any kind of enforcement in the video you could spot Surfers, looking to catch a wave dodging its path. Just before the vessel reached the sand as more than 16 people, soon hopped out one by one, you can see the group piling into this black GMC. Some even seen struggling aboard as the car begins to drive away just along this Suburban neighborhood near Ocean Street. It looked like it was all a planned deal. Some residents now fed up with what they say is becoming a trend and want to see more action at the local level.

I’M frustrated, just as I listened to what they had to say today was their hands are hied and they could do absolutely nothing. Yet some leaders say there’s only so much: they can do Senate Bill 54. Our state legislators decided that our local police may not they’re prohibited from interfering with any kind of immigration um.

They must just call border patrol the border, patrol agents, they’re great people, but their hands are tied. They have not been able to stop people from coming across the border for elas shaguna. He saw the boat after the migrants left.

I think the thing to do is probably to find a way uh to assist these folks for him that comes from bipartisan support to help find refuge for The migrants Who abandoned the boat along the Carlsbad Shore. The issue of immigration has been highly politicized to the point where it kind of instills hatred or people just look at the other as something foreign, something that they want out. Border patrol agents, releasing hundreds of illegal migrants onto the streets of Southern California. And this comes, of course, as the fight over border security continues in Congress, as we were just mentioning Fox News.

Correspondent bill maluan is in San Diego tonight with the latest. Today, the Border crisis was dumped on Southern California’s doorstep at the hands of the federal government border patrol Mass, released, hundreds of illegal immigrants to San Diego streets as bus after bus arrived at a local transit station, releasing masses of men and women from around the globe Who had cross the California border illegally and they plan to travel to Blue cities across America, York, New York, going to New York, Atlanta, Atlanta, New Jersey, New Jersey, Chicago Chicago New York, New York, after release, nonprofit volunteers helped direct the migrants to private buses that took Them to the airport and other Transit stations, some decided not to wait and crammed into taxis. Most told us they’re here to work, but one man from the West African country of morania had other reasons. Why’D You Come uh because I don’t I’m not a free in there and I’m like homosexual and they’re they’re they’re Muslims, and they don’t accept that in there. So you’re going to claim Asylum exactly did reach out to California governor Gavin Newsome’s office. To get his reaction to what happened here in San Diego today, they responded by blaming Republicans for what they describe as chaos at the border. They also added that California is quote a model of partnership for a safe and Humane border. Well, for more on what we’re seeing in San Diego, let welcome in San Diego County District 5 supervisor, Jim Desmond uh supervisor.

It’S great to see you describe from your perspective. What is happening along the San Diego coast? Well, the same cor! Chaos that’s been happening at the border is now happening on our on our Coastline, and it’s unfortunate. I talked to somebody familiar with the salvage company and they said that they uh they pick up about four boats a week, uh that are just abandoned on our beach and it’s it’s really scary. For our. You know our residents um, actually, our property um, burglaries and things like that have gone up in our neighborhoods and our beach areas and the fact that these people just avoided border patrol at all. We have no idea where they went.

We have no idea where they’re going, what their intentions are and unfortunately, as as the mayor of carlb had mentioned, we can’t do anything um in being a sanctuary. State uh of the California is that we, our law enforcement, is forbidden from in from enforcing any immigration laws. So, even if the police were right behind that car that picked up all those people there’s no reason they they they had for them to stop that car. Unless they were speeding or running a traffic light, or something like that, but if it’s just an immigration issue, our local law enforcement can’t do a thing and the cartels know this.

The Smugglers know this and the people that are dropping off know this and that’s and we’re being taken advantage of. This is just raisin and unfortunately, California has tied the hands of local officials to do anything well, Jim. Why do you think this is happening now? More frequently because it has happened in the past, but again you know you’re you’re, saying that there were reports of four abandoned boats. Sometimes every week well, Texas is clamped down and to where the uh local law enforcement can actually arrest.

People that are there illegally uh they’ve Texas has increased that Arizona’s increased their um uh their Board of um efforts. Well, we in California, we we’ve got the red carpet, we got the welcome mat out, we uh, you know, we say wink wink nod nod we’re a sanctuary state. If you get here, we will not Deport you, we will not prosecute you. We will give you free health care in San Diego County.

Are my peers are also paying for uh legal services for the attorneys for those who are getting deported, even though they’re, not US citizens? So we got the red carpet out and so this this is what happens when, when you don’t enforce immigration laws or have none being a sanctuary State and – and this is what happens and I’m hoping residents on both sides of the aisle wake up and know that This is what the leadership in Sacramento is doing to us, and this is what it really means to be a sanctuary state that they people can just come run into your neighborhood and not not get unfettered unabated and law enforcement can’t do anything yeah I mean, and There certainly is a safety issue. You know when we see that boat, speeding onto the shore there. I know the video certainly does frustrate so many people. What would you like to see happen? How can this be stopped? Well, if we had more Coast Guard, you know if they could, we could have more people there, especially you know, they’re coming across the border, not very far out to sea in those type of boats uh if we had more enforcement along the the Border there.

But, however, just like our Our Land border border, patrol agents aren’t stopping them from coming across and it’s not because they don’t want to. But it’s because the orders from above I’ve witnessed people just walk across the border right with a border patrol agent. On the other side, and and and on our side and uh, the Border betrayal agent can’t stop them. So they know they can just come across. They can come across on land, and now they can come across on sea, unab and and uh nothing’s being done about it. The federal government really needs to step up.

California needs to change its Sanctuary state laws so that law enforcement can at least work with immigration services. To stop this kind of thing from happening yeah, we will see uh what happened San Diego County District 5 supervisor, Jim Desmond. Thank you for your time. .